

RoboRana Group is an ecosystem of various specialists who deliver end-to-end solutions that help organisations become autonomous enterprises. Our copywriting and design services helped them turn a recently updated website into one that truly reflects their message and story.
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Helping RoboRana Group tell their story

The Challenge

RoboRana Group had outgrown their old website and needed a partner to guide them in rebuilding it with a new design and copy. This new partner should understand the complexities of IT and their target audience, which is how we got in touch.

First, we helped out RoboRana Group's marketeer with wireframes that displayed the overhauled design and user journey. She quickly became convinced that we were the right people for the job and asked us to take care of the website's new copy and design.

Our Idea

Sometime a picture says more than a thousand words, but a sleek website still needs to tell the right story.

Design and copy need to team up to create an identity that is consistent in both branding and wording, so our copywriter and art director worked closely together. That way, RoboRana Group’s new website would accurately reflect their ambition towards innovative automation technologies.


"Working with the team at Unmute You was a genuine pleasure. They really took the time to listen to us, which made them stand out. When we saw the copy and the new design together, it was clear that they understood our message and how we wanted to express ourselves to the outside world."


Ellen Schellemans, Marketeer at RoboRana Group
Our copywriter working on the case of RoboRana
Our copywriter working on the case of RoboRana

What we did

Tone of Voice

We started our copywriting service with an intake meeting between the copywriter, RoboRana Group’s marketing coordinator, and their operational manager. By identifying the key terms, posing some critical questions, and discussing what was lacking in the previous partner’s copy, our copywriter distilled a preliminary tone of voice.

Wireframes,Copy and Design

Based on the insights from that intake meeting, we started with copy for the homepage, creating a logical flow that matched the wireframes. We made sure to offer several versions of some of the homepage's sections to calibrate the tone of voice for the future copy.

When we presented the first version of the homepage along with our findings, RoboRana Group was thrilled with the results. The comments led to some meaningful discussions between the marketing coordinator and the operational manager, and the tone of voice suggestions matched exactly what they were looking for.

With RoboRana Group’s approval for the homepage, our copywriter started working on the rest of the website’s copy. We systematically worked through different sections of the website while keeping the target audience in mind. This resulted in the following subtle changes:

  • A short and clearly worded introduction on their homepage
  • A slightly more elaborate tone for the detailed service pages
  • A strong community statement on their about page
  • An engaging and informal tone for the jobs page

Throughout the project, our copywriter worked closely together with RoboRana Group in several iterations to make sure that the text was an accurate representation of what they stood for. In several work meetings, we finetuned the details and agreed on the key messages for each page.  

By frequently exchanging thoughts with our art director, the copywriter also guaranteed that RoboRana Group's copy told the right story, both within the context of a single page and as part of the bigger picture.

The result

Thanks to our copywriting service, RoboRana Group now has a website that truly reflects their evolution through a consistent story, using the right tone of voice and key words for each page. At the moment of writing, the website is ready to go live.  

In fact, RoboRana Group was so pleased with our copywriting that they also asked us to review existing blogs and cases, as well as write new content, to ensure a consistent tone of voice and message across the whole website. We’re pleased with their feedback and will gladly continue to make sure their voice gets heard in an ocean of content.

The result of RoboRana

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