

Foursevens approached us to help them with their social media strategy and to gain better visibility among their target audience. After a first intake, we decided - with the customer - to finetune their story first. Time to strategize!
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The Challenge

You may have heard of foursevens as great analysts, and as a company that builds straightforward digital solutions. Did you know that they're quite unique in their approach and vision, though? They always put people first and do not tolerate employees being seen as resources. For them, sustainability isn’t just a term, but a strict requirement in everything they do (people, planet, profit, technology …). As their organisation has undergone some internal shifts, they neededsupport toobtain a consistent online presence. So, they asked us to come up with a durable way for them to communicate online.

Our Idea

We started with an intake to understand more about the challenge. However, we noticed that their story wasn’t clear yet and there were gaps. Things foursevens is all about while they’re not apparent to the world. W edetermined that there was more to be done for foursevens, to help them improve their online existence. We’d offer them a concrete new brand story that would highlight their mission and values, and a substantial strategy to communicate about them online.


A content strategy bridges the gap between who you are and what the world sees. In the world of communication, though, everything begins with a clear story.


- Jeroen Geerts, Managing Partner
Website mockup and photo of Jessica.
LinkedIn visual of Foursevens and photo of Deevid.

What we did

Let’s rewind a moment and explain. We wrote their brand story based on a more thorough conversation, because it offered us a chance to think along with the client. An explicit storyline is also a useful means of defining and communicating (about) your values, both within your organisation and to the outside world. It creates a way to stand out from your competitors and increases the chances of success through the emotional connection you build with customers. The questions that we asked foursevens in the intake and that they couldn’t resolve yet, were tackled in the brand story as well.  

After the story was approved, it was time for a strategic workshop to put everything in motion. This provided everyone with way more insights in how to communicate properly, which is obviously necessary if you want to streamline (and/or sell) a story. Foursevens said it was a revelation for them and gave them a better perspective on themselves. It enabled us to concentrate on the best way for foursevens to start communicating online. We presented them with a simple DIY marketing strategy that would focus on brand awareness, thought leadership and employer branding. Not just on socials, by the way, but also on their website, and in their sales pitches and the like.

In other words, they ended up with a solid brand story, and an action plan full of examples of content pieces, interesting social posts and so on. We made sure they were ready to get started themselves, since we never do more than the client’s budget allows.

The Results

Foursevens now has a much sharper picture of their identity and their unique selling points. They know how to move forward and how to better present themselves, both on- and offline. By emphasising their original and strong focal points (sustainability and the human-first approach) they convey their story in a powerful way that sets them apart from others. Their commitment towards social and technological sustainability, and their efforts to optimize the interaction between humans and computers is now crystal clear.

Once they’ve worked with our strategic content plan for a few months, we’ll reach out as we do every time. We want to stress that it is important to us to check in with clients after a while to see how they’re doing. They need to know that we’re here for them, always different, always you. Like we said, though, we respect what the client needs and wants to invest. Some just want to be coached or be put on the right track, others prefer hands-on marketing support; we’re happy to help either way.

It was another great reminder for us that it pays to think with clients and not just assume what they think the solution is without giving it extra thought ourselves. Talk about strategy, right?

Photos of workshops with Unmute You.

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