Starter Package


Did you know that in Japanese mythology Hieda was a woman who could remember and repeat anything anyone ever told her? Doesn’t that sound like the perfect data-platform? Enter start-up Hieda! Through our starter package, they got a smashing online identity.
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Hieda website mockup

The Challenge

Hieda is a start-up company focused on open-source data-platforms. They provide consultancy both to companies who still need to choose a type of platform, and to companies who wish to optimise the one they have. Founders Luc and Bart asked us to create an online identity for Hieda and to launch their story. This had to entail branding, a website and some social media channels. They would preferably be able to work with it themselves as they were on a start-up budget, and the sooner, the better.

Our Idea

Since Hieda already had a (kick-ass) name and a clear vision but needed the righttools toturn that visionintorealitywith a minimumbudget, ourstarterpackage was a greatfit for the challenge. We provided them with branding, customised socialmediachannels and a simple one-pager in Webflow. All to deliver a visualbrandidentity that makes them stand out and effectively showcasestheiroffering. As growth was important for this start-up, we also enabled them to put contentona careerpage. Always different, always you, right?


The team at Unmute You has a knack for transforming your needs into the perfect copy and visuals. They have incredible listening skills and clearly put their clients first. The dynamics of the organisation shimmer through in every consult. Working together has given us the energy to move forward, with a quality end result to be proud of.


-Bart Callens, Managing Partner
Hieda mobile website mockup and logo variations
Hieda LinkedIn page mockup and banner mockup

What we did

We started our quest with Hieda by doing an intake. As we wouldn’t be providing recurrent marketing or multiple iterations before designing, it was important we knew exactly who they were and what they did. Based on that meeting we made two different kinds of branding from which they could choose.

Lucky for us, their name was extremely well-chosen. Hieda’s key value (when clients have a request, they only need to ask once and things will get done properly) was our focal point. Then there was the aspect of what a data-platform should be: efficient and smoothly working. Throughout their branding, we therefore committed to designing everything as open as possible.  

Their website shows their logo evolving from compact and chaotic to something more open that makes you sigh with relief. There’s a lot of letterspacing in the logo itself too, to give it a modern yet timeless feel. The lines are a play on the traditional icon of a database. We took that compact symbol, pulled it apart and made it transparent.

As promised, we set up custom social media channels and a simple one-pager in Webflow. All in the same style and branding, and all easy to work with.

The Results

The great thing about the starter package is that the next steps and possibilities are endless. We started clean and plain but what we designed leaves room for variation and new ideas. That’s what our package offers you: an effortless start that can be expanded as soon as the need arises. When that happens, we’ll have enough material on our hands to continue working with. You receive enough coaching and tools from the beginning to make your mark. Hieda has made online impact from the start and their website generates the traffic that they were looking for.

We’re thrilled things have evolved into a recurring partnership. Hieda has asked us to continue their launch and unmute their story further so they can focus on their expertise. They’ve outgrown the starter package by now, and we’re scaling things up. The collaboration has been lovely, so we’re looking forward to what’s to come. Honestly, we almost wish we were involved in databases ourselves.

Hieda website (mobile and desktop) mockups and brandguide

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